Ways to Make Money With Rabbits

5 Ways to Make Money With Rabbits

1. Buy hay in bulk, sell in smaller amounts for those not as large as you. Especially for those on a farm – a large bale of hay chopped up and bagged can be sold to those who have smaller numbers of rabbits to not have to buy (and waste) hay they can’t use fast enough.


2. Sell manure – gardeners in many areas cannot find manure to buy, which is lost opportunity. You can even make and bottle manure tea for house plants.


3. Worms – making pits under hanging cages to raise worms is a long time strategy. Sell the worms for gardens or fishing, and be sure to mark “worm beds” under the cages so it’s not seen as just a dirty barn. There are reasons things are done the way they are!


4. Sale of craft items. If you raise rabbits for meat, often the fur is thrown away. Although it isn’t prime fur, it can be used on small craft items which then can be sold. If using rabbits for meat, it seems we should attempt to use every part of the animal that gave its life. Small items made with the fur is a way to do that.


5. Sale of meat rabbits – this may be for human consumption or those wanting to feed dogs or cats raw food diets. Some areas with folks that have larger snakes also need whole rabbits. These can be pre-killed to insure they aren’t mistreated. 
