Why you should start raising rabbits

Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus are small sized animals (Micro-Livestock), with long legs that they use to hop around. Rabbits are referred to as pseudo-ruminant, because they eat a lot of plant stuff and roughage but do not regurgitate like ruminants. They are often used in laboratories for research purposes; testing new medical products, nutritional studies and etc. They are mostly preferred due to the fact they are small and do not require a large space.

Here are some reasons

  1. Prolific business.
  2. They are quite.
  3. They produce great compost.
  4. Have rapid growth rate.
  5. They are cheap to farm. 
  6. They eat a wide variety of plants.
  7. Less labour required and cost involved. 
  8. No religious taboos about consuming rabbit meat.
  9. Highly reproductive: litters are large and with a short gestation period.
  10. Produces highly nutritious meat with low fat and cholesterol and its very digestible to all age type.

Rabbits have the potential to be one of the more profitable species to raiseThey do not require large amounts of space compared with most other livestock species, and they are generally nondemanding animals even if they are very susceptible to disease.

For further info please see link below. 

