Using rabbit manure as a soil treatment
Using rabbit manure as a soil treatment Are you looking for an organic, small round, pelleted form of fertilizer? Look no further than a pet rabbit or two. Fresh rabbit manure is approximately 2 percent nitrogen, 1 percent phosphorus and 1 percent potassium. Use it fresh, straight from under the hutch. It does not burn plants. Use the pellets to topdress your lawn, mulch roses, vegetables, flower beds and ornamental plantings, or supercharge your compost pile and create an earthworm heaven. Here are a few facts about rabbit manure: Rabbit manure has four times more nutrients than cow or horse manure and is twice as rich as chicken manure. Cow, horse and chicken manure are considered “hot” and need to be composted (well-rotted) to use as fertilizers. One of the best things about rabbit manure is it doesn’t need to be composted. Rabbit manure is organic matter and improves poor soil structure, drainage and moisture retention. It improves the life cy...